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第三屆北京國際體外反搏會(huì )議

The EECP as Prescription for Cardiovascular Rehabilitation Expert Consensus Meeting was held on Oct. 11th,
during the event of the 24th Great Wall International Congress of Cardiology, Asia Pacific Heart Congress 2013
(GW-ICC & APHC), and the 3rd International EECP Symposium in Beijing.


Hosted by distinguished professor HU Da-yi, and attended by keynote experts on EECP from over 30 countries
and regions around the globe, it was as a great opportunity for a roundtable discussion for different academic

 EECP experts are from USA, Russia, India,Turkey,Saudi Arabia and China for attending this Symposium in 

                                                                                               Beijing and giving outstanding and professional speeches.

Consensus was reached that through four decades of basic research, clinical practice and technological development, EECP is proven to be a valuable therapeutic modality for both primary and secondary prevention for cardiovascular diseases. By protecting and restoring endothelial structural and functional integrity, EECP is as an optimal non-pharmacological intervention effective not only for treatment of diseases, but also for rehabilitation.In other words, EECP is expected to benefit as a “prescription” for cardiovascular rehabilitation. This is good news for patientsburdened with cardiovascular diseases.


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